The request from pasta making factories
More and more pasta factories, any size, feel the need to correctly recover the trimmings coming from shape changeover, dough cuttings, production stops, etc. Raw material cost, constantly increasing nowadays, requires a clever and functioning scrap recovery.
The solution proposed by Storci
We offer a complete series of recovery systems, ranging from the simplest to the more technologically advanced, that allows to find always the right product for each system. It is necessary a simple equipment to obtain such a small scrap to be easily rehydrated. We have created scrap recovery groups by installing the new basket system on all models, forcing the scrap to pass through holes (with predetermined diameters), apt to adjust the dimension of the scrap crumb that is directed to the re-kneading process.
EASY REC C/ALL, manually loaded for small/medium production; REC 500 C/A/I for medium production and large dimensions scrap, REC 1000 ((REC 1000 C/A/I, REC 1001 C/A/I, REC 1002 C/A/I) and REC 2000/D AUT for large production, for a volumetric or gravimetric dosing also from collecting tanks.

What are the advantages?
- Maximum functionality
- Clever recovery
- Tailor - made solutions
- No waste