We had a pleasant conversation with Andrea Antonelli, owner of the pasta factory, because we wanted to understand how much passion drives a pasta producer, what drives him to develop production and renew his business.
The Pasta Factory Donna Itriya is headquartered in Casteldaccia (Palermo), in the very district that, in the 20th century, during a glorious period for Sicilian art, welcomed the most relevant pasta manufacturing vocation. They produce pasta with 100% Sicilian wheat, kneaded with pure water and dried following the most ancient artisanal tradition.
In Kleinkötz, Germany, a beautiful family-run business has recently added pasta production to its main poultry activity. We asked Mr Martin Geiger, owner, to tell us something about his company together with some anecdotes connected to the relationships with Storci.
We interview Mr Parviz Rahimov, general manager for the implementation of the pasta factory project of Shahri Zeboi MO Ltd, a company in Tajikistan we are happy to number among our new customers.
Pastificio Mancini is a jewel, one of a kind, surrounded by the Marche countryside and its approach towards “zero km food” has become its trademark, cultivating and using only its own wheat for the pasta they make...
A partnership that allows Storci to accompany customers all the way long until product creation. We interview Carlo Cotti, managing director of Food4Life, who has been a consultant in the dehydrated products sector for more than 30 years.
Let’s have a chat with Massimo Porcarelli and his wife Lorenza Donà, owners of the artisanal pasta making factory Fiordimonte.
Pangram SA is a Romanian company and part of the Colussi Group. Liviu Semenescu, the plant manager, tells us about the history of the company; he also talks about Storci and the consolidated bond with our company...
We offer you the interesting interview which Alberto Zampino granted us for our Storcicom XII. An overview from how the pasta factory was born, how the partnership with Storci has evolved, until the projects for the future of the Gragnano's Company.
We interviewed Chiara Caso, CEO of Pastificio Ducato D’Amalfi Gragnano, who told us how a high quality pasta Factory comes about, combining tradition and innovation at its best.
We interviewed Angela Scudieri, owner of the Pastificio Artigianale Piazza – Le Delizie di Alcantara, who told us the secrets of her superlative pasta...
Rocco Quagliara is the owner of Antico Pastificio Lucano, an important factory in Basilicata. In this interview he tells us about his Company and values and the pasta they manufacture, a variety of products ranging from typical, local shapes to traditional ones...