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Fava and Storci

Fusione Fava e Storci

Together to face the challenges of the future


October 2023


We made it happen! Effective October 1st, Fava S.p.A. and Storci S.p.A. merged.
The company name is Fava S.p.A. and it combines both businesses and brands into a single entity making it more competitive and efficient on national and global levels.

With a turnover of over EUR 100 million, EUR 35 million net assets, 26000 m2 total area of the two factories, 330 employees making it the largest global player specialized in the research, design, manufacture and marketing of pasta and couscous production equipment.

Over 1500 pasta lines are in operation in the most important pasta factories in the world, representing 40% of the world market share and approximately 80% of the Italian market share. These numbers characterize the union of two family-run companies.

Fava was founded in 1937, now in their third generation of entrepreneurs and Storci in 1991. Fava S.p.A., after the merger with Storci, is able to offer customers a complete range of equipment for every need and size, subdivided into the various business areas:
  • Continuous dry pasta lines from 1000 kg/h-12000 kg/h
  • Discontinuous dry pasta lines from 100 kg/h-1200 kg/h
  • Continuous couscous lines from 500 kg/h - 2400 kg/h
  • Fresh pasta lines from 100 kg/h - 2000 kg/h
  • Instant pasta, fresh and frozen ready-meal lines for from 100 kg/h - 4500 kg/h.

The new integrated commercial structure will cover the entire world market of industrial and artisan pasta factories in a more comprehensive manner, both for dry and fresh pasta products, with a unique selection of its kind and with the same quality, dedication and reliability that have always characterized Fava and Storci. The integration of the after-sales service, which provides an important team of expert technicians, mechanics, software engineers and technologists, guarantees all customers a professional, prompt and effective support service.
The service to Customers is completed with a series of Research and Development structures, equipped with top of the range machinery and equipment that revolve around the innovative Research Center in Cento, which coordinates the laboratories dedicated to specific product lines in Ferrara, Collecchio and Reggio Emilia.
The synergy that will be created with the integration of Storci, already part of the group since 1996, will lead to an increase in efficiency of the entire production process, which will be shared between the two factories in Cento and Collecchio, improving the entire supply chain.

Luigi Fava

Luigi Fava“This merger represents the natural evolution of a long path of success. Since 1996, together with the Storci family, we have become market leaders, gaining the trust of the most important pasta producers on a worldwide level. We have proved that we can face the difficult challenges that this exciting job poses us. The combination of skills, professionalism and sense of belonging with all our collaborators, is a strong point and will continue to distinguish us in providing the best products and services to our customers".

Michele Storci

Michele Storci“It is a merger that projects us into the future and is in line with the times. The result is a stronger, more structured company, with an excellent capital and financial position, together with a combination of technical skills in the various fields that it will allow us to serve, with the same quality as always, from niche producers to large-scale industries. If i were to think of a mathematical representation of this merger, i would be a formula where the result is greater than the pure sum of the two components. A solid company in all its areas and flexible and quick in responding to its customers.”


Long-cut pasta production line GPL 180 Linea GPL 180

Long-cut pasta production line Long 400 FBL Linea Long 400 FBL

The power of an encounter
told by Fava S.p.A.’s Chairman, Enrico Fava

Enrico Fava ed Anzio StorciThis merger marks a fundamental milestone along our business journey for the future of our families and our activity. Our families have always been united by work which started when two men met and had the opportunity to get to know and respect each other. It was back in 1966 when Barilla decided to build a new factory to install high potential pasta lines.
I was personally involved in the project and this is when I met the people who were in charge of this new activity. Anzio was one of the team and he oversaw the innovative technical and technological elements of the lines we were proposing. He was highly regarded by the owners. We got on right from the start as we understood one another. Mutual respect accompanied us throughout the years of this impressive project which lasted from 1966 to 1971. We delivered 7 pasta lines to Barilla. Our paths didn’t cross for a long time after that. However, in July 1995, when our company was faced with a major decision for its future, after separating from our historic trading company, we had to market and sell our own equipment. We had to set up our commercial network and integrate parts of the process line to provide the full package. This meant supplying the presses and press-head accessories. We had to find the right partner and soon. This is when I had a special person in mind who I knew could help me on such a challenging and important adventure. That person was Anzio.
We met and I enthusiastically shared my idea with him i.e. combining our skills and building the presses together. We left that meeting with the agreement practically made, ready to start out on this new journey together!
This is when Fava acquires 50% of Storci, located in Collecchio, a company specialized in the dough formation press industry. It was exciting to work together again with Anzio and we achieved incredible results right from the start. Ours was the largest and most innovative press offered on the market up to that point. A press with a capacity of 4000 kg/h with many original and patented parts. It was the first of a long series of presses which, due to their size and importance, influenced the entire global industry. The companies also had another extraordinary strong point: the support and expertise of our children. Our children, who today, have decided to merge the companies to become more competitive on the market, taking full advantage of well-established synergies together with the expertise of their employees. I am so proud of this merger as it is the evolution of that very special meeting.

Press Review

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New merger to face the challenges of the future (in Italian)

Nuova fusione per affrontare le sfide del futuro

