Revue de presse

Nos publications dans la presse du secteur
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Fresh pasta process lines and machinery

Innovation at its best

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Cuiseurs et refroidisseurstournants à eau (en italien)

Cuisinières rotatives et refroidisseurs d'eau

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La recherche produit des résultats extraordinaires (en italien)

La ricerca costruisce risultati straordinari

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New merger to face the challenges of the future

New merger to face the challenges of the future

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Eoptis - Fava: A winning combination

Fava-Eoptis, una collaborazione vincente

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New merger to face the challenges of the future (in Italian)

Nuova fusione per affrontare le sfide del futuro

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Innovative solutions for the pasta sector (in Italian)

Soluzioni innovative per il settore pasta

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Fava’s research achieves new objectives (in Italian)

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Molini d'Italia - April 2023

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Fava’s research achieves new objectives

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A revolutionary Short Pasta Line

A revolutionary Short pasta line

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Fava ad Ipack-Ima 2022

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